Ron was born in
Burlington, Iowa. He and his wife, Lola, have been married 60 years.
They have nine grandsons and two great grand-daughters.
Ron studied at the prestigious American Academy of Art in Chicago,
Illinois, and was asked to join the faculty which he did for twelve
Ron has spent more than 50 years painting and studying his craft. A
painter of water colors, acrylic, and mixed media, he has had many one man shows
and his paintings are in corporate and private collections in the
United States and Europe.
He has served as an elder in his church and believes that the Lord has
blessed him, not only with talent, but with a wonderful, loving family
and good health. Ron hopes his paintings reflect his love for the
Lord's beauty and His creation.
He strives to capture moments in time and share it with others. If
they receive the same joy in viewing his work that he had painting that
moment, Ron gives praise to the Lord!
Ron and Lola enjoy traveling and gathering subject matter for his
paintings. Ron is also an avid reader and golfer. He has never met a
golf course he didn't like.